Video Gallery
Learn more about the Building Blocks of Science 3D program by exploring our video gallery below.

Teacher Friendly Digital Platform
Explore how to navigate Building Blocks of Science 3D resources.
This video will overview how BBS:
- Provides everything teachers need to teach the lesson in one place
- Provides everything you need to teach all your students at point-of-use
- Takes the guess work out of using digital resources
Phenomena-Based Instruction
Watch to learn more about how:
- Units begin with an anchoring phenomenon and phenomena video
- Each lesson focuses on an investigative phenomenon
- Lesson investigations provide opportunities for student to collect and gather evidence for explanations of phenomena
Building Blocks in Action
An Extended Look
What if there was a science program that would help you foster a learning environment where you can meet the needs of all your students? Watch students engaging in lessons from Forces and Interactions while you learn more about Building Blocks of Science™ 3D’s:
Watch to learn more about:
- Complete K–5 program offering
- All-inclusive package of print, digital, and hands-on resources to support teachers and students
- 30-minute investigations anchored in phenomena and 3D learning
- 3D Assessment system that supports teachers in gauging student understanding
More Videos
Watch these videos to learn more about:
- Our program overview
- The program in action
- Kids testimonials and more!